Best Prams Australia 2020

 best prams 2020 best prams australia top ten prams australia

Best Prams 2020 – Best Prams Australia

It’s been a busy time for the pram industry recently. A lot of new products, and a lot of significant upgrades to some existing favourites. Which is really exciting and interesting. Below are some of the best prams released and coming soon in 2020!

Note – if you’re looking for double prams click here for Best Double Prams 2020!

Bugaboo Lynx

bugaboo lynx best pram 2020

The Bugaboo Lynx is an interesting addition to the Bugaboo family and has led to a lot of people asking – “Will they discontinue to the Bugaboo Cameleon?” because with the introduction of the Lynx, with its features and price point, the Cameleon starts to seem a little superfluous.

The Bugaboo Lynx is essentially a hybrid between the Bugaboo Fox and the Bugaboo Cameleon, while boasting being Bugaboo’s lightest weight full size pram.

The Bugaboo Lynx has bigger wheels than the Cameleon, but smaller than the Fox. It has front wheel suspension, whereas the Fox has all wheel suspension. It has a two handed recline like the Cameleon, but the Fox has a one handed recline. But it offers a one piece fold like the Fox, whereas the Cameleon is a two piece fold. The seat on the Lynx is higher than the Cameleon, but not as high as the Fox. 

See what I mean? The Bugaboo Lynx sits right in between the Bugaboo Fox and Bugaboo Cameleon in terms of features AND price point. 

So the Bugaboo Lynx could be seen as an upgraded version of the Cameleon, a stripped back version of the Fox. Either way, it’s been a popular addition to the Bugaboo family (or should I say Menagerie) 

Read Bugaboo Fox Review

Uppababy Cruz V2

uppababy cruz 2020 best pram 2020

As soon as I was told there would be a new Cruz my first question was “Will it have better suspension?!” – and I got my wish! The Cruz really has had a big makeover between the orginal Cruz and the 2020 model. Bigger basket, bigger seat, bigger wheels and yes – full chassis suspension. So the Cruz has really gone from a shopping centre and footpaths pram, to a fully functional full sized pram – that still just sneaks in under 10kg. So it is still a “lightweight” pram. 

Aesthetically there’s been a big change with the Cruz V2 as well. It basically looks like a miniature Uppababy Vista in shape and style. The basket shape is very similar to the basket on the Vista – which also means it’s bigger and more accessible. 

There are also some new colours with the V2 upgrade that I’m not entirely sure about. It’ll be interesting to see if there’s a shift in the market away from just the safe staples of black, blue and grey that are dominating the industry at the moment. 

Read Full Uppababy Cruz Review

Uppababy Vista V2

uppababy vista best pram 2020

There is also a new Vista coming out – the Uppababy Vista V2. The changes with the Uppababy Vista V2 don’t seem to be quite as dramatic as with the Cruz, however the Uppababy Vista is one of the most popular prams in Australia at the moment and they highest rated pram on – so it really didn’t need any big changes. Just some nice little refinements.

Actually the biggest change is with the hood on the seat. Rather than the silver pop out viser to extend the canopy, it’s now a zip-out extension. Which just gives it a much cleaner and tidier look overall. 

The adjustment for the shoulder straps on the seat is now on a slider, rather than having to rethread them through the back of the seat.

Like the Cruz they have added in some more suspension, but the suspension and all terrain handling of the Vista was definitely not an issue before – so it’s just a nice little upgrade. 

Read Full Uppababy Vista Review

Baby Monsters Easy Twin 3.0

baby monsters easy twin 3.0 best pram 2020

The Baby Monsters Easy Twin 3.0 has so many great updates from the previous model. Better fabrics, vastly improved expandable hood, it offers an adjustable footrest for both seats and also comes with a double belly bar included.

The reason that the Baby Monsters Easy Twin 3.0 is one of my all time favourite side by side double prams is it offers two seats that are both suitable newborns as well as the option of any combination of seats, carry cots or capsules, making it the ultimate pram for siblings or twins. It also has reasonable suspension and good sized wheels. 

The surprising thing about this full featured side by side double pram is that it is only 65cm wide. Making it one of the most compact double prams on the market. It even fits in the boot of many small cars. And it’s a great budget friendly option as well. 

Cybex Priam 2020

cybex priam 2020 best pram 2020

Another recently upgraded pram is the Cybex Priam. I have a huge crush on this pram. IF I was having another baby (I’m not) and money was no object (it is), I think the Cybex Priam would be pretty close to the top of my list. Which is big for me. I’ve own 11 prams (feel free to read my “Confessions of a pram addict” to see exactly how that happened.)

There are several reasons I love this pram. Some of these reasons are practical. Admittedly some of the reasons are just that it is super cool. But it does offer some genuinely amazing features. It has a seat with a fully flat recline that is suitable for a newborn, that can fold with the seat attached, facing in either direction. 

It is not a compact pram though. It’s unapologetically huge. But I like big prams. It has BIG seats, BIG wheels, BIG suspension, BIG sun canopy. It could have a bigger basket, but then there is no such thing as a perfect pram. So while it might be one of my favourite prams, the best pram for you might be different.

The upgrades are subtle. The styling is a little more refined. The fold is a little easier. They’ve eliminated the 2 in 1 seat option and embraced the “Lux seat” option (Which is the superior seat.) You can purchase a carry cot separately if you choose. 

Read Full Cybex Priam Review

Nuna Mixx

nuna mixx 2019 best pram 2020

There’s a lot to like about the Nuna Mixx 2019. When I had a little play with this pram I enjoyed how intuitive all the mechanisms were. In some ways it’s not exactly an exciting pram, but it’s a lovely pram that is just easy and obvious. It also ticks a lot of boxes for people.

The Nuna Mixx has a reversible seat reclines flat for a newborn, a high weight limit and good sized seat, it has a simple one-handed recline, it has an adjustable foot rest, a telescopic handlebar, a large basket, big wheels, extendable sun canopy, an easy all-in-one fold with an automatic lock, a step through brake so it’s open toed-shoe-friendly…It seems like it does everything!

And it does all that for under the $1000 price point. 

Keep in mind it does weigh 13kgs, as all those features do add weight to a pram. So it’s probably a good idea to make sure you’re comfortable with lifting it into the boot of a car before you get too excited about all those features.

Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2 

city mini gt2 best pram 2020

No “Best Pram” list would be complete for me without at least one Baby Jogger pram. Again this is an existing pram with some exciting updates. The Baby Jogger City Mini GT has been loved by parents for about a decade, so it was due for a change. 

The new Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 has improved the hood height and shape allowing and even TALLER child into the seat – it should AT LEAST fit most children until they start primary school. It has been accessibility to the basket, all wheel suspension, an adjustable foot rest, and better fabrics and cushioning in the seat. 

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 still also has the super simple one-handed fold, however it does take a little practice now because in line with Australian safety standards it is a true two-step fold. However, it should still take just a couple of seconds to fold down flat enough to fit into any car boot.

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 perfectly balances being compact and all terrain, so I’m sure this pram will be around for another decade or more. 

Read Full City Mini GT Review

Silver Cross Coast

silvercross coast best pram 2020

The Silver Cross Coast is an absolutely stunning, luxury pram, that converts from a single to a double pram seamlessly. And it has achieved the configuration that most of these single to double convertible prams fail to offer – which is newborn in a bassinet facing you and toddler at the front facing the world.

It sounds simple, but the majority of this style of inline tandem prams just can’t do what most parents really want. Which is to have their newborn where they can see them, and the toddler entertained by the world around them.

Though be aware that while it does come with both a seat and a bassinet, you will still need to buy the tandem seat separately to turn it into a double pram. 

Maxi Cosi Lara

maxi cosi lara best stroller 2020

How can I put this nicely? Maxi Cosi are known for their car seats. Their infant car capsules are the most popular and compatible capsules in the Australian market by a huge margin and their car seats are also safe, practical and innovative…. However… Maxi Cosi prams don’t always get it right when it comes to design and marketing.

Until now. 

I actually really like the Maxi Cosi Lara. I think they got this little pram right. It’s a cheap and cheerful little stroller. It folds quickly with one hand and it has a fully flat recline so it can be used from birth. I really love the basket design with a little extra basket directly under the seat that is accessible when the pram is folded. It doesn’t fold down quite as flat as some of the super compact travel prams, but I think it’s absolutely perfect “second pram” for just throwing in the car and zipping around shopping centres or for short strolls on sealed footpaths. 


Find the best pram for your family can be tricky! So if you still haven’t found what you’re looking for feel free to get in touch and I’d love to help match you with your perfect pram. Otherwise check out our product directory or all our pram reviews.

Rachel Stewart

Rachel is the founder of Parenting Central. She is raising two children, boy and girl, with her partner. Rachel is obsessed prams, car seats, carriers and all things baby. She has worked in the baby industry for several years, for both suppliers and also in a retail setting and has developed a passion for connecting parents with the right products to make their lives easier. When Rachel isn't playing with prams she's enjoys crocheting, drinking coffee (sometimes wine) and spending a little too much time on Facebook.


  1. Hi Rachel,

    Thanks for all the advice on your website! I’m wondering if the Babybee Rover and/or the Babybee Duo were considered for the best pram in 2020? There are a couple of positive reviews for Babybee Prams on your website and they’ve also been highly rated on (with the Rover winning the best 4 wheel pram and the duo the best tandem pram in 2020), but I don’t see Babybee prams appearing in many top prams lists. Were they consciously left out of this list, or are they rarely included in top lists because they’re an online-only product?


    1. Hi Dave! That is an excellent question. It wasn’t a conscious choice to leave the Babybee Prams off the Best Prams 2020 list, I just hadn’t considered them. The Babybee Prams as a brand do offer excellent value for money, however if you were to compare the Babybee prams Duo the Uppababy Vista, or Silver Cross Coast that are featured on this list, there is a noticeable difference in the overall quality. In the same way if you compared the Rover to the Bugaboo Fox, Cybex Priam, or Nuna Mixx. However, those differences are reflected in the price point.

      If I were writing a “Best Budget-Friendly” pram list, given the generous features and inclusions with these prams, I would definitely be considering the Babybee Prams. And based on your feedback I will now consider that as a new article, to give people more options to suit a range of budgets.

      So, thank you for your question I hope that helps clarify why I didn’t include them on the list.

      Take care!


  2. I’m excited as you are for the new Babyzen Yoyo pram to be available in the market! I just love how easy it is to use especially for a busy mom like me. Also a Baby Jogger fan though because their prams are great as well!

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