Elliot and Daddy’s Bedtime Routine

Over the last few weeks since we moved into our new home our toddler (20 months) has developed (been encouraged into) a really sweet bedtime routine.

Bed time is now my favorite time of day.

Elliot and Daddy (or sometimes Mummy) go to the cupboard and choose a bottle.

Then open the fridge and Daddy asks E which milk is his, and E points to it and they get it out.

E sits on the floor and tries to take the lid off the bottle.


Daddy and E take the lids of the bottle and the milk and Daddy helps E pour the milk.



After some assisting E with putting lids back on Daddy lifts E up to put the bottle in the microwave, lets him close the door and shows him the buttons to press. They watch the bottle spin around and wait for the beep. With big smiles E opens the door and gets out his bottle.


Straight into his mouth it goes!

“go give Mummy a kiss goodnight” says Daddy, and E toddles over, dummy in one hand and bottle turned up to drink on the way.

This is where my heart melts every time. E is not a kissy boy. He only kisses goodnight, with a bottle in hand, or sometimes kisses goodbye, if your lucky. So when he pops out his bottle, milk dribbling down his chin and puckers for a goodnight Mummy kiss, it’s the most special part of my day.

And while I try to sneak an extra kiss, he rarely budges. Nope, Mummy already got one, now it’s time for bed.

Daddy and E walk down the hallway, ready for story time.


So now my day is over, time for a break, time to wind down, for the cat to come out of hiding and snuggle my feet, or just plain go to bed ready for the night wakings.

No matter what the day brings, happy, sad, fun or challenging. Watching my two special boys have their special time together, and that one little slobbery kiss, melts me every time and makes me remember just how perfect our little family is.


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