Milly & Coup Milo – Parent Pram Review
This review of the Milly and Coup Milo is a reader review submitted by Shannon.
There’s so much we love about our Milly & Coup Milo but the cherry on the top for me was that they’re an Australian business.
Newborn Ready
We were looking for a pram to use with our first baby, so we opted for the bassinet option. You can technically put a newborn in the stroller seat (and they include a newborn insert if you buy the stroller by itself), but we wanted the extra protection of the full bassinet so opted for the bundle.
In saying that, after around 6 weeks I saw a lot of Mum’s on Instagram with their newborns directly on the seat and decided to try it out. We purchased the newborn insert separately as I felt like he was still a little small to just go directly in the seat without any extra support (although they say it has been tested and is safe to do so!).
Honestly, after using the bassinet for just over a month, it was a game changer! With the bassinet you have to take it off before you fold the pram, so even though we weren’t exactly out doing massive expeditions by that stage, I was definitely finding it a bit annoying having to take him out, and put him in the car seat, detach the bassinet and put that in the boot, then fold the pram and fit that in as well.
Folds with the Seat
One of the reasons we chose the Milo was because you can fold the pram with the seat facing in either direction which basically means if you’re using the seat, you can have the pram in the car within seconds. The folded package is all in one piece and nice and compact, so plenty of room in our boot (we have a Toyota Rav4). It’s nice and light and I think because the folded package is so slim, it’s really easy to carry and lift into the boot as well. Definitely, something I didn’t realise was going to be so important before we actually used the pram!
The seat’s a great size, nice and wide and we still rely heavily on it for naps almost 2 years in. In the parent facing position, you can attach a UV cover (which is included for free) which just sits above the seat from the canopy to the handlebar for a bit of extra sun protection, though it’s not a fully enclosed cover like I have seen on some other prams.
The canopy does extend quite a fair way through. We also liked that it doesn’t have any mesh in the canopy (only the peekaboo window which you can keep closed) which I think is a positive as it stays much darker and is great for nap time (probably why he’s so happy to nap in there!).
The shopping basket is a decent size and I have no issues loading it up with a couple of bags at coles along with my nappy bag, it also seems easier to access than some other strollers I’ve seen.
It’s also just lovely to push. It feels really light and glides along really smoothly. I haven’t used it on super rough terrain but it handles perfectly fine on unsealed paths by the creek where we walk.
Colour Packs

One thing we loved that was really different to other brands… you can’t go past their colour packs. They release them fairly regularly and they allow you to swap your black or grey canopy and seat liner for different colours and patterns. The Kip & Co collab they did was super fun but they also have just standard colours as well.
Hot tip: if you buy the bassinet bundle make sure you add the seat rain cover to your cart. I didn’t realise only the bassinet rain cover is included so I had to come back and purchase the seat rain cover later. Also if you’re curious about using just the stroller seat with a newborn, but want the option of the bassinet, get the newborn insert as well as it’s not included if you get the bassinet.
As I said, there’s a lot to love about the Milo and the price was far better than anything else of this standard on the market. 5 stars for the functionality, ease of use, quality and design. The only things I’d love to see them change is the addition of a clip-on cup holder some more accessories, and perhaps offering the base colours in more than Black and Grey. I can definitely recommend the Milo, we absolutely love it!
Still looking for the perfect pram? Check out all Parenting Central’s pram reviews here!