We’re Moving House
We move house in THREE DAYS! THREE!!!
Uno. Dos. Tres.
That’s it. And then we’re there.
And aside from the excitement that is bubbling over (I was just trying to take pictures of the boxes and the kids had to get in on the photo shoot – but I think their faces say it all. We’re all very VERY excited!) we’re also pretty calm about it. We’ve moved a few times before that we’ve got this handled. We know how this goes.
This move has been *SO FAR TOUCH ALL THE WOOD* the smoothest move we’ve had… I know we haven’t moved yet, but with 3 days to go all the hard stuff is behind us. Finding somewhere to live, being approved on the application, paying the bond, packing our life up into boxes. The actual moving part of moving is the easiest bit. It’s the muscle and the grunt work, it usually leaves us stiff, bruised and exhausted, but all the stress and uncertainty, the fuss of planning and packing – all that is done. Its just a whole lot of heavy lifting.
And unpacking is fun! I’ve been unpacking in my mind since we saw the house the first time. (I already know where my vacuum cleaner is going.)
Though cleaning the old place sucks – and waiting for the bond release can be a little bit nail-biting, but as a rule we don’t count on that money coming back to us. We hope. We do our best. If we get it back it’s a bonus. But we try not to fret over it.
Our first move as a family we moved interstate, and I lost 5kgs over the couple of weeks, because I felt nauseas all the time from stress. Our second move our daughter was just 3 weeks old (and our son was 3 years old) and so that nicely excused me from having to do any lifting as I had a tiny human tucked into an Ergobaby carrier while I just supervised the move. Our third move as a family was interstate again and protracted over several weeks where we stayed with family and as utterly grateful as I am to them for allowing us to do that it’s something I’d never want to do again.Â
This move is a mere 2klms away – so not far at all – it’s walking distance, so we won’t be changing schools, friends or neighbourhoods. So it’s a much easier move than our long-distance moves. This is purely about upgrading to a bigger house. I know I’ve said I’ve loved our little home, but we just can’t wait to have that extra room to grow and stretch out. It feels like it’s 3 days before Christmas and we know exactly what we want is under the tree.Â
The only thing I’ve done wrong with this move is I packed all my yarn away, so I don’t have anything to keep my idle hands busy to use up that excess excited energy. Next time (not that there will be a next time for a LONG TIME) I will make sure I leave myself a crochet hook and a ball of yarn to keep my hands busy.
If you’re moving soon too read my top tips for moving house with kids.
Come do my packing for me?? 😀
Sure. When are you moving?!
If you don’t need them, I would happily take your packing boxes off your hands. And yes, if you can do the packing too would be great. ?